Personal Plans

At Blomfield we develop personalised learning plans with parents and students. These are called Personalised Learning Plans (PLP’s)

  • Plans are developed in a meeting with the class teacher in Term One which is an opportunity to decide what the goals are for student for the year.
  • Plans are written for a student with additional focus on the five key competencies (Poutama) to form goals which the school agrees to work on in consultation with family, students and relevant agencies.
  • Students will have a personalised plan with goals in the following areas:
  • Mana Reo/ Communication |  Whakaaro/Thinking  |  Hauora/Wellbeing  |  Whai wahi/Social   |  Hoatu/Giving
  • All PLP’s are reviewed with the family and student every six months or sooner if required.
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